Daily Archives: April 14, 2009

NASA treadmill to be named after Colbert

Remember a few weeks back when NASA asked the public for suggestions to name the new room at their international space station and Stephen Colbert urged the members of his Colbert Report audience to nominate his name? It ended up that “Colbert” beat NASA’s pick of “Serenity” by 230,539 votes.

Because the right to name the room is reserved by NASA, they have now decided to name the room “Tranquility”, after Apollo 11’s moon landing site, Sea of Tranquility.

However, they had promised to give voters the utmost consideration and so they have decided name a treadmill that astronauts train on after him. And as NASA is obviously fond of acronyms, COLBERT will stand for Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill.

I love Colbert so it’s not surprising to see he has such a cult-like fan following. This reminds me of the time when he asked his viewers to purchase the soundtrack to his holiday video on iTunes at the same time on the same day in order for it to jump ahead of Kanye’s 808s and Heartbreak soundtrack as part of the “Operation Humble Kanye” and it actually worked. LOL

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